Introduction to Carbon Offsets
- What is a carbon offset? definition and purpose
Additionality Standards for Carbon Offsets
- Climate additionality
- Financial additionality
- ESG additionality
- Innovation and technological additionality
Common Criticisms and Concerns
- Permanence
- Double counting
- Carbon leakage
Role of Carbon Offsets in Corporate Sustainability
Common Types of Carbon Offset Projects and Common Classifications
- Renewable energy projects
- Energy efficiency projects
- Reforestation and afforestation projects
- Methane capture and landfill gas projects
- Agricultural land use offsets
- Carbon Removal Projects (CDR)
- Project classifications: avoidance, reduction, removal
Criticisms of Carbon Offsets
- The greenwashing controversy
- Objections to ESG additionality
Overview of Carbon Markets and Offset Standards
- Voluntary versus compliance markets
- Understanding the key players and market dynamics
Offset Standards and Certification for Issuance
- Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)
- Gold standard
- Verified Carbon Standard (VCS)
- Climate Action Reserve (CAR)
- National carbon standards
Recent revisions to Offset Standards and Future Trends
Corporate Strategies for Carbon Offsets
Developing your Organization’s Carbon Offset Strategy
- Establishing goals and objectives for off-setting: Geographical and sectoral considerations
- Integration into Enterprise Carbon Management Systems
- Alignment with Corporate Sustainability Policies
How to purchase Carbon Offsets
- What makes for reputable suppliers of carbon offsets
- Building in-house capabilities to evaluate emerging offset methodologies
Understanding MRV (Measurement, Reporting and Verification)
- Explanation of MRV Principles
- The Role of MRV in Carbon Disclosures
1. Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP)
2. Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)
3. Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB)
4. Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)
• Ensuring alignment of offset purchases with disclosure requirements
Avoiding Greenwashing: Best Practices in Carbon Offsetting
- Definitions of greenwashing
- Risks of perceptions of greenwashing to reputational capital
- Sector-specific challenges for corporate entities
- What do successful carbon offsetting programs have in common?
- Importance of corporate communication strategies
Future Trends in Carbon Offset Markets
- Horizon scanning for new project types
1. Growth of Technological CDR beyond Carbon Capture & Storage (CCS) to
Direct Air Capture (DAC)
2. The growth of ‘Blue Credits’ and Ocean Remediation Projects - Sunsetting of project types that no longer meet additionality thresholds
- Role of automation and digitalization in project evaluation and MRV
- Blockchain implementations and their discontents