How to Enter

To submit a nomination:

1. Please describe in not more than 300 words (in a Word or PDF document) why your company is deserving of your chosen award category.
2. Go to the online nomination page, complete the form and upload your document.
Please complete a separate nomination form for each award category you enter.

In addition:

For research & ratings categories
1. Please provide three examples of your work to support your entry. All research and ratings samples submitted must have been originally published since 1 January 2024.
2. If you have an online service and would like to provide access as part of your entry, or if you would like to share online information, please include login details or links within the Word / PDF document.
3. If you would like to provide material to support your nomination, for example marketing literature, presentations and/or reports, links may be provided in the Word / PDF document, or they can be uploaded separately as files.

For products & services and ESG fintech categories
1. If you would like to provide material to support your nomination, for example marketing literature, presentations, reports and/or archived online demonstrations, links may be provided in the Word / PDF document, or they can be uploaded separately as files.
2. If you would like to provide a product trial or live demonstration, please include login details or instructions in the Word / PDF document.

For fund categories
1. Please supply, where possible, fund information such as: KIID, factsheet/prospectus, impact report, most recent annual or semi-annual report and monthly total net returns after fees and costs since inception as well as the total monthly return on the fund’s benchmark. Please ignore any of the above if they are not relevant to your fund. This information can be submitted with your nomination.
2. If you would like to provide additional material to support your nomination, for example presentations, marketing material and fund manager information, links may be provided in the Word / PDF document, or they can be uploaded separately as files.

*Please note: all submitted fund information will remain strictly confidential.

For corporate strategy
1. Please provide material to support your nomination including relevant details of company strategy and/or initiatives, corporate literature, presentations, reports and/or archived online demonstrations. Links may be provided in the Word / PDF document or the information can be uploaded separately as files.

The closing date for nominations is Friday 6 December 2024.

We will email you a confirmation within three business days of receiving your nomination.

If you require more information about the ESG Investing Awards and the entry process in general, please contact +44 (0)1483 573150 or email [email protected].

See our privacy policy.