Robeco has launched three new climate indices covering the developed equities markets.
The new indices are the:
Robeco Developed Low-Carbon Climate Leaders Tilt Equities Index
Robeco Developed Paris-Aligned Climate Leaders Tilt Equities Index
Robeco Developed Climate Leaders Equities Index
Robeco says the indices incorporate forward-looking climate metrics in their construction and the firm’s proprietary Climate Traffic Light to assess a company’s alignment with the Paris Agreement, and Climate Beta to evaluate climate transition risk.
Lucian Peppelenbos, Climate Strategist at Robeco, says, “We decided years ago to not only focus on carbon emissions data when looking at climate investing. We invested in resources to also evaluate other climate characteristics of companies such as their alignment with the Paris Agreement, whether companies provide solutions to lower the world’s future emissions and their level of climate transition risk. We have developed these metrics inhouse and integrate them into our investment solutions. It’s great that our climate IP is now being made available to an even larger group of investors.”