17 AM & Syntax launch infrastructure index

17 Asset Management and Syntax Data will be launching the 17AM-SDG 9 US Infrastructure & Innovation Index.

This thematic equity Index provides investors with access to listed companies focusing on infrastructure within the US. Using ESG and SDG screens, the index has approximately 115 companies that derive over 50% of revenues from activities and operations that are aligned with UN SDG 9, which aims to build resilient infrastructure, promote sustainable industrialization, and foster innovation.

Syntax and 17 AM plan to launch additional SDG indices in July and throughout the remainder of the year, with an Index for each of the 17 anticipated SDGs.

Patrick Shaddow, President and CEO of Syntax, said, “The 17AM-SDG 9 US Infrastructure & Innovation Index provides investors with pure play exposure to US infrastructure and innovation companies with a quality screen overlay. This Index leverages both Syntax’s differentiated systems-level data and 17 Asset Management’s intentional portfolio methodology. This portfolio is the first of a series of SDG portfolios designed to provide transparency and accountability previously lacking in the ESG and impact investing space.”

John Morris, Founder and CEO of 17 Asset Management, said, “We believe this Index provides a good precedent for a higher level of rigor that is needed when combining investment and social outcomes. We have leveraged both ESG data as well as SDG targets and indicators in addition to our assessment of overall company financial factors. We ask, why would you not want this level of information incorporated into investment decisions? The higher quality of data we receive from Syntax allows us to create higher quality investments for our clients.”