The Dubai Investment Fund has announced the creation of its ESG Investment Department.
DIF says the ESG Investment Department will fulfill several functions, including:
Elaborating accurate and reliable methods of estimating ESG rating
Researching related areas, such as “green investment” and “ethical investment”
Incorporating ESG investing principles as a part of their long-term strategy
Monitoring global and local ESG markets to find investment opportunities
Consulting clients on the topics of ethical investment and giving tailored advice
Eustace Osborn, the Head of the new ESG Investment department says, “Investing in areas, that will bring not only profits, but also long-term benefits for the whole community is one of our main principles. Today we are taking it one step further, announcing the creation of a new department, specifically dedicated to the ESG Investment. The term ESG gained popularity during the last two years, and now represents one of the major trends in the financial and corporate world.”