Toshiba Corporation has published the Toshiba Group Sustainability Report 2021.
The report includes Toshiba Group’s ESG initiatives in FY2020 and the formulation of Toshiba’s Sustainability Policy, the re-identification of materiality, and the revision of Environmental Future Vision 2050. These include:
1. Strengthening the sustainability management structure
Toshiba has ensured that sustainability perspectives are brought into management by setting up the Sustainability Strategy Committee. It is chaired by the President and CEO, and its members are executives responsible for sustainability, the Presidents of key group companies, and managers responsible for promoting sustainability.
2. Formulation of Toshiba Group Sustainability Policy
As a measure to raise corporate value over the medium to long term, the board amended the Board of Directors Rules to include responsibility for determining Toshiba Group Sustainability Policy. In October 2021, the board formulated the current policy.
3. Re-identification of Materiality
Toshiba Group have tackled the material issues identified in 2013 by regularly confirming their status. However, response to climate change is now required on a global scale, and social issues are changing according to various perspectives as seen in the SDGs adopted by the United Nations. Toshiba Group also reviewed its businesses. Accordingly, we re-identified new material issues in FY2021.
4. Revision of Environmental Future Vision 2050
Toshiba has revised Response to Climate Change in Environmental Future Vision 2050(*2), its long-term vision of environmental management from a global perspective including climate change and the circular economy, so as to further accelerate efforts to achieve carbon neutrality throughout the value chain.