At COP26 30 countries have agreed to work together to make zero emission vehicles the new normal in all regions by 2030 or sooner.
The announcement includes a number of emerging markets countries that are agreeing to accelerate the transition to ZEVs in their markets including India, Rwanda, Kenya. The World Bank also plans a new trust fund of $200 million over the next 10 years to decarbonise road transport in emerging markets and developing economies.
The Zero Emission Vehicle Transition Council will launch its first annual Action Plan setting out areas for sustained international cooperation to accelerate the transition during 2022. The US has today joined the UK as a co-chair of the ZEVTC.
Nineteen governments have also stated their intent to support the establishment of ‘green shipping corridors’ – zero-emission shipping routes between two ports. This will involve deploying zero-emission vessel technologies and putting alternative fuel and charging infrastructure in place in ports to allow for zero emission shipping on key routes across the globe.
The UK has pledged to shift to clean trucks by committing to end the sale of most new diesel trucks between 2035 and 2040.