MSCI has announced the launch of MSCI Climate Lab, a new service for monitoring climate and financial risks for investors.
MSCI says Climate Lab provides investors with the data and tools they need to track and assess companies’ progress towards net-zero commitments and align their portfolios with climate targets for a net-zero future. It also includes a solution for institutional investors’ portfolios meet net-zero goals across multiple asset classes. MSCI Climate Lab enables investors to:
Access climate data across multiple asset classes, including data on carbon emissions (Scope 1, 2 and 3), temperature alignment, company net-zero targets, and scenario analysis;
Access datasets and analysis from MSCI’s robust climate solutions toolkit, including the recently launched Implied Temperature Rise and Target Scorecard;
Identify and understand climate risk exposures and trends at the enterprise level across all your funds and portfolios;
Assess and manage portfolio alignment with the Paris Agreement;
Forecast enterprise climate emissions based upon issuer targets and explore forward-looking hypothetical scenarios; and
Compare companies’ carbon budget to their projected carbon emissions and identify issuers that they may want to engage with on their climate and emissions strategies.
“Many of the world’s largest institutions are repositioning their portfolios to meet climate targets, and up until now the technology has not been in place to allow for a swift, scalable and effective understanding and management of climate exposure across all funds and portfolios. At MSCI, we are focused on turning large datasets into actionable insights that our clients can apply across their portfolios. On average, we process 70 million positions and one trillion asset valuations daily,” said Jorge Mina, Head of Analytics, MSCI. “Climate Lab brings together the climate, analytical and technological capabilities of MSCI for clients to immediately start monitoring and managing their own net-zero transitions.”