Research firm Edison Group has launched Edison ESG Edge reports.
Edison says the reports review companies’ ESG current performance and trajectory across the most significant and stringent criteria aimed at making the assessment of ESG performance easier for investors. Since the majority of relevant ESG information is only reaching a limited proportion of large institutional investors, this leaves many investor groups, such as family offices, and also retail investors, being bypassed.
Edison says ESG Edge will help solve the corporate and investor challenges as well was making ESG insight more widely available across markets. They will enable all investor groups to have an all-encompassing report of companies’ financial and ESG drivers.
Companies are evaluated across 10 different layers including: strategy, peer benchmarking, ESG SWOT, rebalance scores, environmental performance insight, social responsibility scorecard, socio-political performance, governance scorecard, stakeholder analysis and ESG Risk and VaR.
The new ESG reporting product then follows up with in-depth management and employee interviews to test initial hypotheses and mine the narrative behind the data. The findings are then condensed into a final report with a strong focus on key ESG drivers, transition opportunities and risks. Edison’s distribution platform then makes every report available to its global audience of specialist and boutique institutions as well as family offices, wealth managers, retail investors and large institutions.