Endeavour Mining plc has published its 2022 Sustainability Report.
The 2022 Sustainability Report has been prepared in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative Sustainability Reporting Standards (2021) including the Mining and Metals Sector Supplement. The report is also aligned with the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board requirements, Task Force for Climate Related Financial Disclosures, and the Local Procurement Reporting Mechanism.
Sebastien de Montessus, President and CEO, says, “As a responsible miner, we have continued to tackle climate change as we seek to meet our 2030 target of a 30% reduction in our carbon emissions intensity and Net Zero by 2050. For 2022, we set our first annual carbon emissions intensity target, which I’m pleased to report we beat. We also continued to progress a number of our decarbonisation initiatives, including connecting our Mana mine to the national grid and advancing the analysis for renewable solar projects at our Houndé and Sabodala-Massawa operations. Importantly, these initiatives have the dual benefit of optimising processes, thereby reducing costs, and improving our efficiencies, which further enhances the resilience of our business.
Looking ahead, we continue to ensure we drive the right type of behaviour across our business. As such, for 2023, ESG performance targets will account for 30% of the short-term incentive plan for the Group, as well as 15% of our long-term incentive plan. These weightings include measurement against targets for factors such as health and safety, carbon emissions reduction, and diversity and inclusion.”