Mirova launches two sustainable bond funds

Mirova has launched two Euro sustainable bond funds classified as Article 9 under the SFDR regulation.

The Mirova Euro High Yield Sustainable Bond Fund and the Mirova Euro Short Term Sustainable Bond Fund are both aligned with a 2°C climate scenario and will be classified as Article 9 under the SFDR regulation.

The Mirova Euro High Yield Sustainable Bond Fund
The fund contains a portfolio of approximately 80 issuers with a focus on companies specialising in medical care, sustainable mobility, clean packaging, recycling/waste treatment, and sustainable real estate.

The Mirova Euro Short Term Sustainable Bond fund
The fund seeks to reduce the negative impact of increasing interest rates on the absolute performance of the portfolio and to benefit from yields on maturities of less than four years. It invests in green and sustainable bond programmes and companies that need short/medium-term financing to address and provide solutions to sustainable development issues.