M&G has launched a new range of sustainable multi-asset funds aligned to the UN SDG framework.
The M&G Sustainable Multi Asset fund range is managed by Maria Municchi and is divided into three funds based on risk: Cautious, Balanced and Growth.
The Cautious fund will have a typical equity range of 0%-35% and a maximum volatility of 9% over a five year rolling period.
The Balanced fund will have a maximum volatility of 12% and a typical equity range of 20%-60%.
The Growth fund will have a maximum volatility of 17% and an equity range of 55%-100%.
The funds will produce sustainable and impact annual reports aligned to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals framework. All three funds will combine strategic and tactical asset allocation, with a core holding of “positive impact asset” (between 20% and 50% of assets). They will also target MSCI ESG ratings of A-AA.
The annual charge for the funds’ I share class is 0.65% and the A share class is 1.05%.