21st Century Agriculture and Food
- The continuing food and agriculture crises
Principles of Sustainability in Agricultural Systems
- Concepts, terms and principles
- The five renewable assets (natural, social, human, cultural and sustainable physical capital)
- Regenerative versus sustainable agriculture
The Climate Crisis
- Carbon footprints by country
- Actions for farmers
- Actions for individuals
The Inequality Crisis
- Collective action, social capital and landscapes
The Nature Crisis
- Nature-based solutions
- Nature as essential infrastructure for health services
Regenerative Good Growth
- Renewable assets
- Contested use of the term growth (green growth, degrowth)
- Greenwash
- Circular economies
Productivity/Yield Increases with Sustainable Agriculture
- Cases of success at scale (> 10,000 farmers, > 10,000 hectares)
- Small farm contexts and industrialised country contexts
Story and Transformation
- How to use story to engage and transform systems
- Corporate cases: B corps, ESG, race to zero
- Green innovations and tipping points (energy, city, and agriculture/food systems)
Public and Policy Engagement (PPE)
- Typology of public engagement, new power
- Business cases of successful PPE
- Failures and successes on sustainable policies: response diversity and backlash movements
Developing an Investment Approach
- Growth opportunities