Professor Carol Adams
Professor of Accounting, Durham University
Professor Carol Adams MSc PhD CA FAICD is an internationally recognised researcher in corporate accounting and reporting and its role in the relationships between business, society and the environment.
Professor Jill Atkins
Chair in Financial Management, Sheffield University Management School
Professor Jill Atkins’ research focuses on responsible investment, stakeholder accountability, social accounting, integrated reporting and corporate governance. Jill chairs the British Accounting & Finance Association’s Special Interest Group on Corporate Governance.
Professor Geert Bekaert
Professor of Business, Columbia Business School
Professor Geert Bekaert’s research focus is on international finance, emerging markets, empirical asset pricing and portfolio management. He is a Co-Managing Editor at the Journal of Banking and Finance and a consultant for the European Central Bank in Frankfurt.
Professor Ataur Belal
Professor in Accounting, Sheffield University Management School
Professor Ataur Belal’s research interest lies in the area of social and environmental accounting for developing countries such as Bangladesh, India and Vietnam. He is author of “Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting in Developing Countries” (Routledge, 2008).
Dr Patrick Bigger
Lecturer, Lancaster Environment Centre, Lancaster University
Dr Patrick Bigger’s research is on the role of financial institutions in combatting multiple, interacting environmental crises. His current work is on the creation of a global market in climate bonds, as well as debt products for biodiversity conservation.
Professor Timo Busch
Chair of Management and Sustainability, University of Hamburg
Professor Timo Busch’s research interests include strategies towards a low-carbon economy and sustainable finance. He was UN delegate at the Rio +20 Conference on Sustainable Development and advises the German government regarding climate change polices.
Professor Gordon Clark
Emeritus Professor, Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment, University of Oxford
Professor Gordon L Clark is an economic geographer interested in the responsibilities and behaviour of investors as regards long-term sustainable investment. He was Director of the SSEE from 2013 to 2018 and is a Founding Governor of the UK Pension Policy Institute.
Dr Frederik Dahlmann
Associate Professor of Strategy and Sustainability, Warwick Business School
Dr Dahlmann studies how companies address climate change and reduce corporate carbon emissions,their engagement with multiple sustainability challenges such as the energy-food-water nexus, and the role of sustainable business models in driving industry transformation.
Professor Irene-Marié Esser
Professor of Corporate Law and Governance, University of Glasgow
Professor Irene-marié Esser’s research is in the field of corporate governance, company law and CSR. She is a member of the PRI Academic Forum as well as the Sustainable Market Actors Network & Daughters of Themis: International Network of Female Business Scholars.
Dr Christoph Hambel
Assistant Professor, Department of Finance, Goethe University Frankfurt
Dr Christoph Hambel’s research focuses on various aspects of asset pricing and related topics such as climate finance and consumption-portfolio choice. He also works on optimal carbon abatement and its implications for asset pricing.
Dr Xi Li
Associate Professor of Accounting, London School of Economics
Research Fellow, Centre for Endowment Asset Management, Cambridge Judge Business School
Dr Xi Li’s expertise lies in the areas of financial reporting, capital markets and CSR. Her studies have been published in leading academic journals and her research papers studying shareholder engagements on ESG issues have won many international awards.
Professor Giovanna Michelon
Professor of Accounting, University of Bristol
Professor Giovanna Michelon’s research is focused on CSR and disclosure, and corporate governance and accountability. She is Chair of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) Global Forum for Governance, Risk and Performance.
Professor Konstantinos Stathopoulos
Professor of Accounting and Finance, AMBS, University of Manchester
Professor Konstantinos Stathopoulos’ research focuses on the interests and impact of stakeholders on firm decision-making and governance. He is Chair in Accounting and Finance at AMBS and joint Editor-in-Chief of Corporate Governance: An International Review.