How it Works

Leaders in ESG performance and reporting

We invite contributors to vote sector and individual company ESG performance scores to provide investors with an unbiased and accurate representative benchmark of consensus ESG scores and rankings.

A compnay is disfngted a lea. This is based on the number of votes received for each compnay/ ESG Sigma provides consensus estimates and rankings of ESG scores of US and European listed companies in the tech, mining and healthcare sectors.

  • Vote for up to three companies in each sector that your believe are currently demonstrating the best overall ESG performance in their sector
  • Vote for up to three companies in each sector that your believe are currently demonstrating the best overall ESG reporting in their sector

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) performance scores and ratings are non-financial factors used by investors to identify the sustainability criteria of listed companies. A lack of standardisation of ESG metrics and scoring methodologies can often mean the rating for a single company can vary widely presenting major challenges for investors. The variance among ESG ratings can be overcome by the use of consensus estimates which reduces the subjectivity in ESG scoring from single source.

ESG Factors

We survey contributors for their ESG performance scores for the following factors:

  • Best ESG Performance
  • Best ESG Reporting

The vote are based on current performance and reporting.

ESG Performance Scores 



ESG scores are obtained from multiple financial and independent sources:

  • Fund managers
  • ESG and sustainability analysts
  • Equity analysts
  • Institutional investors: Fund managers, pension funds and hedge funds
  • Academia: University/business school sustainable finance departments & industry experts

Contributions to the survey are made online via our website and can either be anonymous or with the contributor name and/or company name included.

Across 15 sectors


ESG Performance


ESG reporting

Companies awarded


How it works